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The art of architectural drawing : imagination and technique
ISBN: 0442009933 Year: 1997 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Van Nostrand Reinhold

Bouwkundige termen : verklarend woordenboek van de westerse architectuur- en bouwhistorie.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 907431077X 9789074310772 Year: 2001 Publisher: Leiden Primavera

Architecture : form, space, & order
ISBN: 9781118745083 1118745086 9781118986837 Year: 2015 Publisher: Hoboken, New Jersey Wiley

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Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, Fourth Edition is the classic introduction to the basic vocabulary of architectural design, updated with new information on emerging trends and recent developments. This Bestselling visual reference helps both students and professionals understand the vocabulary of architectural design by examining how space and form are ordered in the environment. Essential and timeless, the fundamental elements of space and form still present a challenge to those who crave a deeper understanding. Taking a critical look at the evolution of spaces, Architecture distills complex concepts of design into a clear focus that inspires, bringing difficult abstractions to life. the book is illustrated throughout to demonstrate the concepts presented, and show the relationships between fundamental elements of architecture through the ages and across cultures. Topics include: * Primary elements and the principles of space design * Form and space, including light, view, openings, and enclosures * Organization of space, and the elements and relationships of circulation * Proportion and scale, including proportioning systems and anthropometry

De menselijke maat : een studie over de relatie tussen gebruiksmaten, menselijke afmetingen, bewegingen en handelingen.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9062750486 Year: 1994 Publisher: Delft Delftse universitaire pers

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De mens en zijn maten De mens-statisch-dynamisch Historie De mens en de woning, begrippen De mens buitenshuis De gehandicapte mens

Planning landscape : dimensions, elements, typologies
ISBN: 9783034607605 9783034607612 303460761X 3034607601 Year: 2015 Publisher: Basel Birkhäuser

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A unique planning tool for landscape architects When developing a design concept in a realizable plan, landscape architects oscillate between two different levels of criteria: the tangible design task in context with the planning typology of the park, playground, outdoor swimming pool, or sports facilities, and the individual elements such as steps, ramps, pathways, fenced-in enclosures, outdoor furniture, and so on. Planning Landscapes is a well-conceived tool for the planner, which focuses on the two main aspects of "elements" and "typologies." The planner can flexibly shift between these two according to the specific criterion. The publication presents all information relevant to the planning in a detailed, clear, and cohesive manner. These two main chapters are flanked by an introductory chapter explaining the basics and determining factors of designing in open spaces at the front of the book, and the "reference work" at the end of the book where general dimensions and units, specifications and norms are all clearly compiled.

Bouw- & planologisch compendium
ISBN: 9789038220253 Year: 2017 Publisher: Gent Academia Press

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Niets is zo moeilijk als iets eenvoudig te maken Dit boek behandelt uitvoerig de meest courante termen uit de bouwkunde, bouwfysische begrippen, de stedenbouw en ruimtelijke planning, het bouwrecht, de vele bouwreglementen en aanverwante reglementering. Dit werk is geschreven voor al wie bij bouwen, plannen en onroerend goed betrokken is. Het is een standaardwerk: - voor hen die het moeten bedenken (architecten, ingenieurs, interieurarchitecten, stedenbouwkundigen, planologen); - voor hen die het moeten beoordelen (ambtenaren, rechters, juristen, deskundigen, commissieleden); - voor hen die het moeten doen (aannemers, uitvoerders, makelaars, projectontwikkelaars, landmeters). - en waarom niet, ook voor hen die iets verwachten, zoals de bouwheer of de opdrachtgever.

Duurzaam & gezond bouwen & wonen volgens de bio-ecologische principes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 907585501X 9789075855012 Year: 1996 Publisher: Londerzeel Ecobooks

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Deze publicatie gaat uit van het standpunt dat de mens en natuur één zijn. Alles wat in de natuur als levensecht herkenbaar is, is bruikbaar. Alles wat levensvreemd en artificieel is, is in principe verdacht en kan maar na grondigonderzoek aanvaard worden.


General ecology and biosociology --- architecture [discipline] --- sustainable architecture --- Architecture --- Bouwkunst --- Environnement --- Logements --- Milieu --- Woonhuizen --- 504.062 --- 69.504 --- bouwen --- duurzaamheid --- ecologie --- #A9701A --- 504 --- 69 --- 728 --- 69.02 --- duurzaam bouwen --- ecologisch wonen --- 613.5 --- 692.1 --- Aardstralen --- Architectuur --- Bio-ecologisch bouwen --- Bouw --- Bouwbiologie --- Bouwen --- Bouwmaterialen --- Ecologie --- Energie --- Isolatie --- Leem --- Radio-activiteit --- Radon --- Stedebouw --- Verlichting --- Vocht --- Wonen --- Woninghygiëne --- 719.6 --- architectuur --- binnenklimaat --- bio-ecologisch bouwen --- ecologisch bouwmateriaal --- ecologische verlichting --- natuurverf --- 718.8 --- binnenhuisarchitectuur --- bouwmaterialen --- ecologisch bouwen --- energiebesparing --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- 504.062 Protection, rational use, restoration of natural resources. Sustainable development --- Protection, rational use, restoration of natural resources. Sustainable development --- Duurzaamheid --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Huizen (architectuur) --- Woningen (architectuur) --- Woonhuizen (architectuur) --- bouwen - constructie-elementen, duurzaam bouwen --- (zie ook: ecologisch bouwen) --- architectuur, geschiedenis volgens genres/doeleinden, hedendaagse woningbouw --- Housing --- Sustainable architecture --- Ecological aspects. --- Duurzaam bouwen

Materials in progress
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783035613582 3035613583 9783035613704 3035613702 9783035613667 3035613664 Year: 2019 Publisher: Basel

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Nach dem Erfolg von Material Revolution 1 und 2 legt der Autor einen neues Buch vor, das der rasanten Entwicklung der Materialforschung in handlicher Form noch besser Rechnung trägt. Materials in Progress stellt die aktuellen Werkstoffinnovationen der letzten Jahre im Kontext von acht Megatrends vor und macht ihren Einfluss auf die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung anschaulich. U.a.: duftende Kacheln, heilende Fasern, Textilien aus Brennnesseln. New materials and technologies play a significant role in architecture and design. Environmentally compatible materials and production methods are demanded just as much as smoothly functioning recycling management. In addition, trends like digitalization, 3D printing and intelligent systems and materials have a decisive influence on material innovations.The book's eight chapters span a bridge from science and industrial research to applications in architecture and design. In a compact format, it offers a well-grounded overview of the latest material innovations, including edible packaging, liquid light and intelligent natural materials. At the same time, the societal dimension of such developments is taken into consideration.

Green building : guidebook for sustainable architecture.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783642006357 9783642006340 Year: 2010 Publisher: Heidelberg Springer

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An important consideration for energy-efficient buildings is their primary energy requirements over the entire life cycle. How to determine this? What integrative factors influence the performance of a healthy and sustainable building? This, while it may be important for clients and architects to know, is frequently not very transparent.This book has been written to assist with clarifying target criteria and expanding horizons when it comes to ecological buildings. It is meant as a handbook and source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators, to provide them with pertinent information about their design, construction and operation: how to do this in the most energy-efficient and economical manner? Also, there is feedback and documentation about prominent buildings like the Hamburg Dockland or the Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg in Stuttgart. They provide excellent architectural examples for detailed construction and design solutions. Further, there are insightful interviews with architects and clients about many important buildings, which help turn this book into an integrated source of reference for sustainable architecture.- A Guideline for Planning, Construction and Operation of sustainable Buildings- A source of reference for clients, architects, planners and building operators- Innovative architectural examples with sustainable concepts and design


Engineering. --- Civil Engineering. --- Architecture, general. --- Energy Economics. --- Environment, general. --- Energy Technology. --- Energy Efficiency (incl. Buildings). --- Architecture. --- Civil engineering. --- Electric engineering. --- Engineering economy. --- Environmental sciences. --- Ingénierie --- Architecture --- Génie civil --- Décision économique, prise de --- Sciences de l'environnement --- Sustainable architecture. --- Architecture and energy conservation --- Buildings --- -72.039 --- 69.504 --- 620.9 --- 697.11 --- 699.86 --- 504 --- 69 --- 69.03 --- Drees & Sommer --- D&S Advanced Building Technologies --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Energy conservation and architecture --- Energy efficient buildings --- Energy conservation --- Eco-architecture --- Environmentally conscious architecture --- Environmentally friendly architecture --- Green architecture --- Green building design --- Green design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design (Buildings) --- Sustainable design --- Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- Economics of energy in general --- General principles. Properties of buildings from heating point of view (measurements, results). Temperature levels. Fuel consumption --- Thermal insulation of buildings. Cold-resistant and heat-resistant construction. Expansion joints --- Duurzaam bouwen --- Duurzame architectuur --- Duurzame ontwikkeling --- Ecologie --- Ecologisch bouwen --- Bouwtechniek --- Bouwwezen --- Energie-efficiënte architectuur --- Klimaatbeheersing --- 699.86 Thermal insulation of buildings. Cold-resistant and heat-resistant construction. Expansion joints --- 697.11 General principles. Properties of buildings from heating point of view (measurements, results). Temperature levels. Fuel consumption --- 620.9 Economics of energy in general --- 69.504 Building and the environment. Sustainable building --- 72.039 Hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwkunst sinds 1960 --- Sustainable architecture --- Sustainable buildings --- 72.039 --- Ecologically sustainable buildings --- Environmentally sustainable buildings --- Green buildings (Green technology) --- Sustainable development --- Design and construction --- 574 --- 699 --- Ecologie en bioverscheidenheid --- Bouwfysica --- Zero energy buildings

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